When thinking about opening your own massage therapy business it is important to add professional liability insurance to your list of ‘must-haves’.
Comprehensive liability insurance for massage therapy is necessary to help prevent any potential lawsuits that could inhibit your massage business.
Why is professional liability insurance a necessity for massage therapists?
Massage clients can injure themselves in a number of ways, with some of these injuries occurring in your place of business.
Potential Injuries can occur, or be exacerbated, as a result of services, even with the most professionalism and care on your part.
Liability insurance for massage therapy protects you and your practice, and covers everything you do!
Professional Liability Insurance protects your business from injury claims and saves your business from potential financial pitfalls.
Massage therapy can present some risks due to the amount of physical contact required in everyday business activities. Having professional liability insurance for massage therapy will help ensure your small business is protected so you can continue to grow your massage business.
The American Massage Council (AMC) offers the most affordable and reliable professional liability insurance for massage therapy coverage that checks all of your desired boxes.
Ultimately, having professional liability insurance for massage therapy with AMC will offer peace of mind that you will be protected in your day-to-day massage practice so you can do what you love, helping others.
At the American Massage Council, we believe the more we help you, the more you will help others.