How thorough is your massage client history?
Asking the right questions, preferably face-to-face can possibly save you from future client injuries that could have been prevented.
Seven key questions to ask every future massage client include:
1- Do you currently have bodily pain or injury problems?
2- Where have you had pain or injuries in the past?
3- Have you seen a physician for this problem and been diagnosed?
4- Have you had any surgeries?
5- Do you have any medical conditions?
6- Are you undergoing any current medical treatments?
7- What medications do you take?
Remember, when something goes wrong and a massage client gets injured, you could be liable and possibly sued.
As a massage therapist you need to protect yourself and only the best massage therapist insurance coverage will do!
The American Massage Council offers the most affordable and reliable professional liability insurance for massage therapy coverage and more.