How often should your clients receive massage therapy?
There is no right or wrong answer since each client is different and there are also different styles and uses for massage.
Here are 4 different examples of reasons and purposes to determine the style and frequency of massage therapy for your clients.
1. A post surgery or acute injury massage client can get a massage 1-3 times a week to break up swelling, reduce scar tissue at the incision site and to speed up healing.
As the client heals the frequency of massage can be reduced.
2. A chronic pain or injury massage client can get longer massages (90 minutes) once every 3 to 6 weeks.
3. A desk worker massage client who spends hours in the same position may need regular massage every 4 to 8 weeks.
4. An athletic massage client may require regular massage (once every 3 to 6 weeks) based on the level of their physical activity.
The average massage client benefits from a massage session every 3 months.
Ultimately, the frequency of massage therapy visits depends on the goals and plan you have created with your massage client.
As a massage therapist, you are passionate about helping people by providing hands-on caregiving massage therapy that offers a balance between empathy, compassion, and professionalism.
Having comprehensive liability insurance for massage therapy also guarantees a level of confidence and is a best business practice.
The American Massage Council (AMC) offers the most affordable and reliable professional liability insurance for massage therapy coverage and more.
Professional liability insurance for massage therapy with American Massage Council offers peace of mind that you will be protected in your day-to-day massage practice so you can do what you love, helping others.
At the American Massage Council, we believe the more we help you, the more you will help others.