Massage Benefits of Neck Pain

Massage Benefits of Neck Pain

Massage Benefits of Neck Pain

Did you know an estimated 50% of adults report having neck pain each year? Research supports massage therapy provides some neck pain relief and improved range of motion.

There are many types of massage (Swedish massage, Deep tissue massage, etc.) each with variations in techniques, strokes, and pressure applied by the hands and other methods. In cases where only the neck is symptomatic, massage therapy is typically applied to the neck, shoulders, and back, because these regions are all connected.

For people who have chronic neck pain and stiffness, it is common to seek out massage therapy from a trained and skilled massage therapist.

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Having professional liability insurance for massage therapy with AMC will offer peace of mind that you will be protected in your day-to-day massage practice so you can do what you love, helping others.

At the American Massage Council, we believe the more we help you, the more you will help others.


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