Massage May Help You Live Longer

Massage May Help You Live Longer

Massage May Help You Live Longer

How does massage improve your health and possibly help you live longer?

Heart Health: Massage relaxes your cardiovascular system, and blood circulation improves throughout the body, resulting in blood regulation and a stable heart rate.  

Digestive System: A full-body massage not only curbs stress but also helps in the proper regulation of the digestion of food and nutrients.

Better Sleep: A body massage reduces stress and relaxes you enough to fall asleep naturally. 

Mental Health: Research suggests a body massage may eliminate anxiety by as much as 50% in the short term.

Regular massage can have a positive impact on your overall health which may help you live longer!

Remember, as a massage therapist you need to protect yourself and only the best massage therapist insurance coverage will do!

The American Massage Council offers the most affordable and reliable professional liability insurance for massage therapy coverage and more.


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