Negligent Behavior by Massage Therapists

Negligent Behavior by Massage Therapists

Negligent Behavior by Massage Therapists

What is considered legally negligent behavior by massage therapist?

To be legally negligent is when you owe a duty to provide appropriate care to another, then fail to perform responsibly, causing an injury as a result of the irresponsible behavior.

As a massage therapist and/or facility you could be liable for failing to ask clients for their medical history or failing to conduct an evaluation of that client’s condition and medical needs based on that history. 

You can also be held liable if you fail to use, maintain, and sanitize equipment properly.

As a massage therapist you need to protect yourself and only the best massage therapist insurance coverage will do!

The American Massage Council offers the most affordable and reliable professional liability insurance for massage therapy coverage and more.


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